* When you come across colored or underlined text, you can click to download files or follow links.
This resource explains the Common Core Math Standards for grades K-12 in Illinois. This resource first explains the overal desired Mathematical Practices for students in all grades. As you scroll down, you will find the discreet standards for each grade level.
The Teaching with Curriculum Focal Points series consists of grade-level publications designed to support tutors as they begin the discussion of a more focused math curriculum.
Elementary Math Videos
- Grade 3
- Grade 5
Middle School Math Videos
- Dividing Fractions
- Solving a Percent Problem
- Making Sense of Models
- Connecting Representations of Functions
- Finding Area in Context
- Interpreting Two-Way Frequency Tables
- Multiplying Fractions
- Using a Table to Reason Proportionally
- Exploring Different Ways That Lines Can Intersect
- Interpreting Graphs to Create Context
- Visualizing Rotations
- Determining the Appropriate Measure of Center
Addition and Subtraction
- Direct Modeling strategy for a Join (Change Unknown) problem
- Direct Modeling strategy for a Separate (Result Unknown) problem
- Direct Modeling strategy for a Separate (Result Unknown) problem, in which a teacher responds to a miscount
- Direct Modeling strategy for a Separate (Result Unknown) problem, in which a teacher responds to a miscount
- Direct Modeling strategy for a Compare (Difference Unknown) problem
- Direct Modeling strategy for a Compare (Difference Unknown) problem
- Direct Modeling strategy for a Join (Start Unknown) problem
- A child who has directly modeled for other problems is given a Join (Start Unknown) problem
- Count On from Larger strategy for addition
- Count On from Larger strategy for a join (Result Unknown) problem
- Count On from Larger strategy for a join (Result Unknown) problem
- Counting strategy for a join (Change Unknown) problem
- Counting strategy for subtraction
- Counting strategy for a Separate (Result Unknown), in Spanish
- Counting strategy for a Join (Change Unknown) problem, with written notation
- Derived Fact strategy based on doubles
- Derived Fact strategy based on doubles
- Derived Fact strategy using ten as a benchmark
- Derived Fact strategy for subtraction using ten as a benchmark
- Gilberto uses strategies for adding and subtracting, using ten as a benchmark
- Karen uses a variety of Number Fact strategies for adding and subtracting
- Aaliyah solves a Join (Result Unknown) problem
- Aaliyah solves a join (Change Unknown) problem
- Aaliyah solves a Separate (Change Unknown) problem
- Aaliyah solves a Separate (Change Unknown) problem
- Melissa solves a Separate (Result Unknown) problem
- CLIP 3.25: Melissa solves a join (Change Unknown) problem
Multiplication and Division
- Direct Modeling strategy for a Multiplication problem
- Direct Modeling strategy for Measurement Division, total counted first
- Direct Modeling strategy for Measurement Division, total counted later
- Direct Modeling strategy for a Partitive Division problem
- Counting strategy for a Multiplication problem
- Derived Fact strategy for multiplication
- Derived Fact strategy for multiplication
- Derived Fact strategy for Multiplication problem, in which amount in a group is partitioned
- Direct Modeling strategy for Measurement Division with a remainder
- Direct Modeling strategy for Measurement Division with a remainder, adjusted for child
- Watch Austin solve a Multiplication and Measurement Division problem
- Now watch Austin solve a Partitive Division problem
Base-Ten Number Concepts
- Counting by Ones strategy to solve a base-ten Multiplication problem
- Counting by Tens strategy for a base-ten Multiplication problem
- Counting by Tens strategy for a base-ten Multiplication problem
- Counting by Tens strategy for base-ten Measurement Division
- Counting by Tens strategy for base-ten Measurement Division
- Direct Place Value strategy for a base-ten Multiplication problem with follow-up questions
- Counting by Tens strategy for base-ten Measurement Division of more than 100 objects
- Direct Place Value strategy for base-ten Measurement Division of more than 100 objects, in Spanish
- Using a Direct Place Value strategy to solve base-ten Measurement Division of more than 100 objects
- Watch Emma solve a base-ten Measurement Division problem
- Now watch Emma solve a Partitive Division problem with similar numbers
- Evan solves a base-ten Multiplication with extras problem for the first time
Multi-Digit Problems
- Direct Modeling with Tens strategy for a Join (Result Unknown) problem
- Direct Modeling with Tens strategy for a Separate (Result Unknown) problem, with no trading
- Direct Modeling with Tens strategy for a Separate (Result Unknown) problem, with no trading
- Solving a Separate (Result Unknown) problem with an emergent understanding of ten as a unit
- Combining the Same Units Invented Algorithm for addition
- Combining the Same Units Invented Algorithm for addition, with an error that is addressed
- Combining the Same Units Invented Algorithm for addition, supported by student written notation
- Incrementing Invented Algorithm for subtraction with student notation
- Incrementing Invented Algorithm for subtraction with teacher notation of child's thinking
- Combining the Same Units Invented Algorithm for subtraction
- Incrementing Invented Algorithm for Join (Change Unknown)
- Incrementing Invented Algorithm for Join (Change Unknown), with a follow-up question
- Compensating Invented Algorithm for addition
- Compensating Invented Algorithm for addition
- Direct Modeling with Tens strategy for a Multiplication problem
- Adding strategy for Multiplication, in Spanish
- Adding strategy for Multiplication
- Invented Algorithm for a Multiplication problem
- Invented Algorithm for a Multiplication problem, with follow-up questions
- Elijah uses a Direct Modeling by Tens strategy for a harder problem
- Elijah uses an Invented Algorithm for an easier problem, 1 follow-up questions
- Zakyla solves a multidigit Multiplication problem, and her thinking is extended
- Emma solves a multidigit Multiplication problem, and her thinking is extended
NCTM Classroom Resources -
Resources (lessons, videos, games) from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Printable Math Worksheets -
Browse printable math worksheets for grades K-8
iXL -
Practice sets for grades Pre-K - 12
ThoughtCo. -
Math tutorials, worksheets by grade, resources for all topics. A sample of math strategies for elementary grades.
Flocabulary -
Math vocabulary practice (Free 30-day trial)
Hand2Mind -
Excellent resource with access to lessons, practice problems, videos
National Student Support Accelerator -
A fantastic math tutoring resource library full of lessons and activities!
Teaching Number Sense -
What every tutor needs to know about how kids learn number concepts
Distributive Property
- How to Teach Distributive Property
- Distributive Property Explained - Friendship Bracelets
- Distribute Property Explained - Part 2
- Hands on Activity
- Worksheet #1
- Worksheet #2
- Worksheet #3
Order of Operations
Identifying Angles
Identifying Shapes
Area & Perimeter